Monday, December 11th
7pm – 8:30pm

As a member based organization Ed Video values and relies on the input and perspective of our members to drive our continued success and inform our decision making.

This gathering of Ed Video members will focus on critical aspects of our operations, including budgetary and funding considerations, equipment updates, services enhancement, space utilization, and explore how our organizational mandate is executed. Your insights will play a pivotal role in shaping the future direction of Ed Video. The meeting will be informative and collaborative, with opportunities for open and constructive dialogue.

Your presence and participation are highly encouraged as we collectively work towards ensuring the continued growth and success of Ed Video. We look forward to your valuable input and the opportunity to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Please RSVP by December 10th by emailing

If you are unable to attend and would like to participate in the ongoing discussion please feel free to reach out to Elia.