We are happy to announce our Hard and Soft Ed Video Artist in Residence: Carmen Mattear! Carmen will be at Ed Video until March 31st! See what she’s working on next time you stop by the centre…
Mattear will be analyzing sound as memory through found artifacts. These artifacts act as a surrogate, relaying the sounds of a person no longer with us, or a moment past. Mattear pays close attention to the so-called insignificant sounds that surround us, and hears each as a critical piece to the everyday symphony; the soundscape that surrounds us as we go to sleep, walk to work, or eat dinner.
Carmen Mattear (born 2000) is a multidisciplinary artist who collects media as data and finds patterns through method, and are then translated and expressed as sound installation, sculpture, video, and VR. Her practice is informed by cinema, music, television, and family relations. For Mattear, art is about creating organized chaos, in which anecdotes emerge, revealing our positive humanism. Mattear currently lives in Guelph, ON and holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours, with Distinction, in Studio Art from the University of Guelph, where she also completed a minor in Psychology.
This internship opportunity is presented as part of the “Digital Skills for Youth” program coordinated by the Independent Media Arts Alliance and funded by the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.