*Artwork by Kwasi Bugyei

Intro to Interactive Projection Mapping in TouchDesigner
Member Price
$40.00General Admissions Price
About this Event
This workshop explores the creation of live interactive and immersive networks using TouchDesigner, a node based visual programming software.
Instructed by Kwasi Bugyei, this workshop will begin with an overview of TouchDesigner’s interface. Paricipants will learn to blend their visuals with motion capture control tools, allowing for audience enabled experiences. Once visuals are created, participants will then learn how to projection map their renders onto various mediums, both 2D and 3D. This workshop is designed for all TouchDesigner experience levels, especially those with no experience in projection mapping. All are welcome. \
This workshop requires a laptop with TouchDesigner and a scroll wheel mouse. Ed Video has a limited amount of laptops with TouchDesigner available for members to use. Non-members may rent a laptop for an additional $10 +HST.
Please email workshops@edvideo.org with any questions or accessibility concerns.
Date And Time
Sat, Sep 14, 2024
12:00 – 16:00
404 York Road, Guelph, ON, Canada
Kwasi Bugyei – Kwasi Bugyei is a Toronto based installation artist and design thinker. A former member of the board of Directors at Trinity Square. Kwasi is now a Hxouse Tenant. “Working in multiple media form factors has presented me with many opportunities to assist in productions ranging from installation and set design to fashion film photography and wearable technology”. Kwasi is currently bridging his mediums for future work.